Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Get Into Nutrition

​Nutritionists are often on the front lines in combating poor eating habits and creating healthy menus and food offerings in a variety of settings. The Nutrition Department boasts five state-of-the-art teaching kitchens where students receive hands-on training and group learning. LIFE Nutrition students also enjoy classes in the new live demonstration culinary amphitheater, where instructors model concepts taught in class. Find out more about LIFE's bachelor of science in nutrition degree program at Learnaboutlifeu.com

Get Into Nutrition

Nutritionists are often on the front lines in combating poor eating habits and creating healthy menus and food offerings in a variety of settings. The Nutrition Department boasts five state-of-the-art teaching kitchens where students receive hands-on training and group learning. LIFE Nutrition students also enjoy classes in the new live demonstration culinary amphitheater, where instructors model concepts taught in class. Find out more about LIFE's bachelor of science in nutrition degree program at Learnaboutlifeu.com

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