Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Running Barefoot and the reviews

With a few glimpses of spring showing up it will be tempting to hit the pavement. And you just may be shopping for your next running shoe.

Following 10 weeks of training, both groups received follow-up MRI studies. Neither group showed injuries or tissue changes to any of the structures in the lower leg, but over half of the participants wearing barefoot-style shoes had developed increased bone-marrow edema in the tarsals and metatarsal bones.

When it comes to injury prevention and running efficiency, it's much more important how you run than what you run in. Heel strikers, regardless of shoe, will sustain more impact injuries than those who land on their mid or forefoot and allow their arches to act as natural shock-absorbers. The most efficient and least-injury-prone runners shorten their stride, land on the forefoot, and keep the running motion smooth, light and flowing.
If you want to wear minimalist shoes, make sure you transition slowly.  Your body needs time to acclimate to the change in foot wear.

Run Smart
Run Strong
Run injury free


Saturday, January 17, 2015

The timeline of success or failure for New Year’s goals is fast approaching.

The timeline of success or failure for New Year’s goals is fast approaching. 

 In general it takes 40 days to convert a new activity into a habit.
I have listed a few tips that I hope encourage you to stay mounted on your 2015 goals.

Instead of working from the minute you wake up until you go to bed, what if you only worked six hours a day? Or four hours? This is hypothetical for most, however you’d probably use that limited time more effectively, and with more focus as well as more enthusiasm. 

Try to eat for health and not to fullness.
You might try to eat at specific times of the day rather than grazing all day.
When you grocery shop experiment and buy only foods that you find on the perimeter of the store. 
Incorporate spices in every dish you create.

Rather than spending mindlessly why not spend with total awareness.  If you go to the store with 50 dollars cash then you will shop with awareness.  Credit cards contribute to mindless spending.  This is truly tough to do.  It occurred to me the discipline it takes when I had left my wallet at home therefore I had to know what I was spending as I only had cash and a limited amount of cash on me.  I had to put several items back as I surpassed the amount of cash on me.  

If you want to succeed in a new activity rather it be reading the bible, working out, or engaging in a new hobby then I suggest scheduling time for it first thing in your day.

Living to empower others,

Sunday, January 11, 2015

DASH is the best diet

The DASH diet, rich in vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy, has been named the best overall diet for the fifth consecutive year, outpacing Weight Watchers and the Mediterranean diet, U.S. News & World Report said on Tuesday.



'via Blog this'

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Are you goin for a spin on a stationary bike???

It's a new year and it's time to change your routine up a bit! 
Cycling indoors can lack luster so try:
1 min. standing with increased resistance.
1 min. seated with average resistance.
3 min. with building your speed.
5 min. recovery       
and repeat 3 times.  and the time flies!!