Sunday, December 21, 2014

NSAIDs May Protect Against Common Skin Cancer / Defame diet

      NSAIDs May Protect Against Common Skin Cancer                                         


Aspirin and non steroidal anti-inflammmatory drugs (NSAIDs) May Protect Against Common Skin Cancer


Researchers show that use of nonaspirin NSAIDs significantly reduces the risk of developing (SCC) Squamous Cell Carcinoma by 15%. The Topical NSAID diclofenac is approved to treat actinic keratoses  "raise the possibility that oral aspirin or non-aspirin NSAIDs could be used as chemopreventive agents for cutaneous SCC also."

Food for thought:  Many of you who have visited my website or who have been patients know that I promote the deflame diet.  It is all about a lifestyle of eating to reduce inflammation.  Hence Eat right to prevent disease and cancer.


I share this information to stir your curiosity to search for ways to improve your health and it is not meant to be treatment advise .  Seek a professional for treatment of any skin abnormalities.


Live strong,


Dr Shawnie





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