Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Outsmart fall allergies and figure out what's the best plan of action for you to stave off symptoms

If it feels like ...intense pressure in your cheeks and brow then it is probably sinus pain.  When sinus cavities become inflamed the membranes swell and entrap the  infraorbital nerve reating a brain freeze effect.  Also when sinus cavities become inflamed the mucuc inside the sinuses can't drain out.  This results in congestion and pressure and pain.

My treatment protocol:

1. Release the soft tissues of head and neck to stimulate lymphatic drainage.
2. Acupressure points for sinus pain relief.
3. Adjusting the upper neck which effects the nervous system to the sinuses.
4. Saline spray/ netti pot to wash out the sinuses.
5. Use of air purifier.

Be well, 
dr shawnie

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