Friday, November 28, 2014

My chiropractic guide to food additives

Guide to food additives

Here is a list of additives to eliminate from your diet:

  1. Nitrites and Nitrates
  2. Potassium Bromate
  3. Propyl Paraben
  4. Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA)
  5. Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT)
  6. Propyl Gallate
  7. Theobromine
  8. Diacetyl
  9. Phosphates
  10. Aluminum additives

Natural and Artificial Flavors
What’s particularly alarming when you see a word like “artificial flavor” or even “natural flavor” on an ingredients label is that there’s no way to know what it actually means. It could mean that one unnatural additive is included, or it could be a blend of hundreds of additives. Strawberry artificial flavor can contain nearly 50 chemical ingredients, for example.8
Most people assume that a natural flavor describes something like strawberries, garlic, or chili pepper used to naturally season food. In reality, most natural flavors are created in a laboratory, just like artificial flavors. The only difference is that natural flavors must be sourced from a natural product, whereas artificial flavors do not. According to the Code of Federal Regulations:9
“The term natural flavor or natural flavoring means the essential oil, oleoresin, essence or extractive, protein hydrolysate, distillate, or any product of roasting, heating or enzymolysis. These contain the flavoring constituents derived from a spice, fruit or fruit juice, vegetable or vegetable juice, edible yeast, herb, bark, bud, root, leaf or similar plant material, meat, seafood, poultry, eggs, dairy products, or fermentation products thereof, whose significant function in food is flavoring rather than nutritional.”
In the end, natural flavors often bear little resemblance to the natural product from which they came. Many times, the resulting chemical may even be identical to those created synthetically to make artificial flavors, yet it will likely be more expensive. Some natural flavors even contain propylene glycol, a solvent, or the preservative BHA! Genetically engineered flavor enhancers can also be listed under the artificial flavor (or natural flavor) label. One exception is certified organic natural flavors, which must meet more stringent guidelines and cannot contain synthetic or genetically engineered ingredients

My suggestion to the easiest way to eliminate processed foods from your diet:
·         Read labels.
·         Buy fresh whole foods and prepare them yourself.
  • Buy 90% fresh whole foods and only 10% processed foods.

Be strong and healthy,
Chiropractor in Broken Arrow

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Is Staring At Your Phone All Day Killing Your Back?

the advise below doesn't resolve your symptoms then give me a call and we can
incorporate my successful approach to treating "Poor Texting Posture".

Be Well,



Put down your phone and pick up your head. Texting might be ruining your back.
When you tilt your head forward 60 degrees to look at your phone, you're putting 60 pounds of pressure on your neck, according to a new study by New York spine surgeon Kenneth Hansraj. Hansraj's study was just published in Surgical Technology International's 25th edition.
As you bend your head down to look at the phone in your hands, the pressure on your neck gets stronger and stronger, as shown in Hansraj's illustration below:
texting spine
Hansraj created a model of the spine via computer-aided design, and bent the head 0 degrees, 15 degrees, 30 degrees, 45 degrees and 90 degrees, all while measuring the force on the spine. "It's a very sophisticated assessment of the stresses that are borne by the neck when the head is in various positions," Hansraj said in a phone interview with The Huffington Post.
"This is one assessment just based on bringing the neck forward," Hansraj said. Different things could happen to your neck if you're bending it forward and to the side, he noted.
So what should you do to protect yourself?

"We recommend that people should continue to enjoy their smart devices, but that they pay specific attention to where their head is in space," Hansraj said. "You want to be careful that your head is straight up with you're using a smart device."

Staring At Your Phone All Day Is Killing Your Back, Study Finds: "Texting Spine Texting Pressure Text Spine Texting Back Texting Back Pain Texting Back Study Phone Back Phone Spine"

'via Blog this'

Bioengineering Genes

A research team has developed a new gene regulation method that lets thought-specific brainwaves control the conversion of genes into proteins — called gene expression. The bioengineers published their results in the journal Nature Communications on November 11, 2014.
Bioengineers are now  able to tap into human brainwaves, transfer them wirelessly to a gene network, and regulate the expression of a gene depending on the type of thought.
These scientists say one source of inspiration for the new thought-controlled gene regulation system was the game Mindflex, in which the player wears a special EEG headset, which has a sensor on the forehead that records brainwaves. In the game, the registered electroencephalogram (EEG) is then transferred into the playing environment.  The EEG controls a fan that enables a small ball to be thought-guided through an obstacle course.  In these scientists’ research, recorded brainwaves are analyzed and wirelessly transmitted via Bluetooth to a controller, which in turn controls a field generator that generates an electromagnetic field, which in turn supplies an implant with an induction current.  A light then literally goes on in the implant: an integrated LED lamp that emits light in the near-infrared range turns on and illuminates a culture chamber containing genetically modified cells. When the near-infrared light illuminates the cells, they start to produce the desired protein.
The system functions efficiently and effectively in the human-cell culture and human-mouse system. IT is  hoped that a thought-controlled implant could one day help to combat neurological diseases, such as chronic headaches, back pain, and epilepsy, by detecting specific brainwaves at an early stage and triggering and controlling the creation of certain agents in the implant at exactly the right time.

Exciting and truly futuristic in the now!
Chiropractor in Broken Arrow

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Outsmart fall allergies and figure out what's the best plan of action for you to stave off symptoms

If it feels like ...intense pressure in your cheeks and brow then it is probably sinus pain.  When sinus cavities become inflamed the membranes swell and entrap the  infraorbital nerve reating a brain freeze effect.  Also when sinus cavities become inflamed the mucuc inside the sinuses can't drain out.  This results in congestion and pressure and pain.

My treatment protocol:

1. Release the soft tissues of head and neck to stimulate lymphatic drainage.
2. Acupressure points for sinus pain relief.
3. Adjusting the upper neck which effects the nervous system to the sinuses.
4. Saline spray/ netti pot to wash out the sinuses.
5. Use of air purifier.

Be well, 
dr shawnie