Monday, July 14, 2014

Strong and Healthy Spine with Aging, STRONTIUM

Strontium: Breakthrough Against Osteoporosis

The human body contains about 320 mg of strontium, nearly all of which is in bone and
connective tissue.  Strontium in these crystals imparts additional strength to these tissues. Strontium also appears to draw extra calcium into bones.  Strontium tends to accumulate in bone; especially where active remodeling is taking place.  Eighty-four percent of the patients reported marked relief of bone pain with strontium as strontium lactate.  The patients receiving strontium remarked that the pains in their bones had diminished and their ability to move around had improved.
Without equivocation strontium ranelate therapy increases vertebral BMD bone mineral density and reduces the incidence of vertebral fractures.  Strontium gluconate is absorbed more efficiently than strontium carbonate.  New mineral deposits will occur in areas of bone that have been eroded by the cancer.  Strontium also has been shown to reduce the incidence of cavities.  Strontium might also improve cartilage metabolism in osteoarthritis (OA).
A comprehensive regimen of synergistic bone-enhancing substances should be provided for preventing and treating osteoporosis.

Have a question or need counseling on nutrition for your bones? 

Assure yourself with a strong and healthy spine.

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