Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Chiro - Fitness inc. Newsletter - The New food Pyramid

Subject: Chiro - Fitness inc. newsletter The New Food Pyramid

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Chiro - Fitness inc. Newsletter
The New Food Pyramid

THE BULLETPROOF DIET is a concept developed by Dave Asprey.

His premise is contrary to the FDA's food pyramid.  The new pyramid is structured with vegetables at the base of the triangle ascending the pyramid by healthy fats, animal protein, and last are fruits positioned at the tip of the pyramid.  Will this create disbelief in you?  Naturally yes it will because the FDA is to be the golden rule maker.



http://ww1.hdnux.com/photos/03/73/15/1028944/3/628x471.jpg  food pyramid jpg.

I.  The FDA pyramid proposes bread, cereal,rice and pasta at the base of the pyramid.  Proposing 6-11 servings.
This category of carbohydrates isn't located on the bulletproof pyramid.
Why should we seriously consider this shift in types of food consumed has to do with the enormous epidemic of diabetes.  The U.S. is the most obese nation.  This is partially due to following the old food pyramid.
II.  The FDA proposes using healthy fats sparingly, while The Bulletproof diet proposes 5-9 servings.
The protein portions are also quite different.  The FDA proposes 2-3 servings while the Bulletproof diet proposes 4-6 servings.
III. Lastly the Bulletproof diet proposes 6-11 servings of vegetables and 1-2 servings of fruit.
So if you are blending smoothies shift to more vegetables and less fruits.  Frozen Spinach is a great source of vegetables.
The FDA proposes 5-9 total servings of fruits and vegetables.

The challenge is to shift what we are consuming.  Food and meals do not have to be bland or laborious to prepare.  Will you take the challenge?

What Constitutes a healthy  fat?  Food sources rich in omega 3 fatty acids are healthy fat sources.  Do you like nuts?  Great, it's best to buy them raw and roast them in the oven yourself.  Processed nuts have bad fats added to them to increase shelf life of the nut.  Other sources are grass fed animals, avocados,  fish, and berries.  Oh and did I mention real butter is a healthier choice than margarine.
Fat free diet is also a detriment.  So many have strived for fat free diets that we substituted good fats for sugar, and most have high cholesterol issues.  Fat free also restricted the good fats.

What constitutes a healthy animal source of protein?  Grass fed is the key!  The longer an animal is fed grain the greater the decline in the quality of meat, therefore being unhealthy for you.  If you don't have access to grass fed then your next best option is to choose cuts of meat that are lean.  Marbling of red meat is due to high consumption of corn and other grains by the animal.
I was raised in the farming community.  We raised and butchered our own beef and pork.  My Father would strive for greater marbling of a meat as it had a wonderful taste to him! The marbling is a bad source of fat.

What constitutes a healthy day's portion of CHOs or sugars? A maximum of 75 grams CHO.
How do you determine the total grams?  You have to become a label reader.  The label will list the total grams/serving.

Just a tip to solidify a change you are about to implement.  Choose words and actions that align w/ your goal of deliberately living a whole, happy and healthy life.  We are in this for the journey and we can only maximize the way we take our journey.  As for some the way may be about maximizing the quality of life for the longevity. It is cliche to say but, "live long - live strong."

My passion is to create an environment for you to live a whole, happy and healthy life.


dr. Shawnie


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