Wednesday, March 6, 2013

• Support Equal Copay for Patients of Chiropractic

• Support Equal Copay for Patients of Chiropractic

We need our patients' help!

Please encourage your patients who would benefit from equal copay for chiropractic treatment to utilize the following information (link) to ask your State Legislators to support SB 547.

Chiropractors did a terrific job in communication our patents' message which resulted in SB 547 getting passed out of the Oklahoma Senate Insurance Committee. Now that it's out of committee, the insurance companies are going to come out strong in opposition to your patients paying equal copay for similar treatments.

While the voice of our chiropractors is strong, we're going to need our patients to join you in letting Oklahoma's elected officials know how popular this is to their constituents. Hope my patients join in spreading this message.

The difference between PCP and Specialist co payments is great. For example, patients may pay $25 per visit to a PCP and $50 - $75 per visit to a specialist. Specialist’s, such as a surgeon, charges normally will be in excess of $200.00 per visit plus any additional charges. A co pay for a chiropractic visit between $50 and $75 leaves the total or most of the cost for the visit in the hands of the patient.
• This bill will simply say to the insurance provider that a chiropractic co pay cannot be greater than a PCP co pay.
• This bill does not set mandates or co pay amounts nor does it state what is or is not covered.
• Summary: No health insurer may impose any copayment or coinsurance amount on an insured for services rendered by a licensed chiropractic physician that is greater than the copayment or coinsurance amount